Emergent Mind


Performance optimization is the art of continuous seeking a harmonious mapping between the application domain and hardware. Recent years have witnessed a surge of deep learning (DL) applications in industry. Conventional wisdom for optimizing such workloads mainly focus on compute intensive ops (GEMM, Convolution, etc). Yet we show in this work, that the performance of memory intensive computations is vital to E2E performance in practical DL models. We propose \emph{FusionStitching}, a optimization framework capable of fusing memory intensive \emph{elementwise}, \emph{reduction} and fine grained \emph{GEMM/Batched-GEMM} ops, with or without data dependences, into large computation units, then mapping and transforming them into efficient GPU kernels. We formulate the fusion plan optimization as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem, and propose a set of empirical heuristics to reduce the combinatorial search space. In order to map optimized fusion plans to hardware, we propose a technique to effectively compose various groups of computations into a single GPU kernel, by fully leveraging on chip resources like scratchpads or registers. Experimental results on six benchmarks and four industry scale practical models are encouraging. Overall, \emph{FusionStitching} can reach up to 5.7x speedup compared to Tensorflow baseline, and achieves 1.25x to 1.85x performance speedups compared to current state of the art, with 1.4x on average (geometric mean).

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