Emergent Mind

Automatic Ensemble Learning for Online Influence Maximization

Published Nov 25, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We consider the problem of selecting a seed set to maximize the expected number of influenced nodes in the social network, referred to as the \textit{influence maximization} (IM) problem. We assume that the topology of the social network is prescribed while the influence probabilities among edges are unknown. In order to learn the influence probabilities and simultaneously maximize the influence spread, we consider the tradeoff between exploiting the current estimation of the influence probabilities to ensure certain influence spread and exploring more nodes to learn better about the influence probabilities. The exploitation-exploration trade-off is the core issue in the multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem. If we regard the influence spread as the reward, then the IM problem could be reduced to the combinatorial multi-armed bandits. At each round, the learner selects a limited number of seed nodes in the social network, then the influence spreads over the network according to the real influence probabilities. The learner could observe the activation status of the edge if and only if its start node is influenced, which is referred to as the edge-level semi-bandit feedback. Two classical bandit algorithms including Thompson Sampling and Epsilon Greedy are used to solve this combinatorial problem. To ensure the robustness of these two algorithms, we use an automatic ensemble learning strategy, which combines the exploration strategy with exploitation strategy. The ensemble algorithm is self-adaptive regarding that the probability of each algorithm could be adjusted based on the historical performance of the algorithm. Experimental evaluation illustrates the effectiveness of the automatically adjusted hybridization of exploration algorithm with exploitation algorithm.

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