Emergent Mind

Full Characterization of Minimal Linear Codes as Cutting Blocking Sets

Published Nov 22, 2019 in cs.IT , math.CO , and math.IT


In this paper, we first study in detail the relationship between minimal linear codes and cutting blocking sets, which were recently introduced by Bonini and Borello, and then completely characterize minimal linear codes as cutting blocking sets. As a direct result, minimal projective codes of dimension $3$ and $t$-fold blocking sets with $t\ge 2$ in projective planes are identical objects. Some bounds on the parameters of minimal codes are derived from this characterization. This confirms a recent conjecture by Alfarano, Borello and Neri in [a geometric characterization of minimal codes and their asymptotic performance, arXiv:1911.11738, 2019] about a lower bound of the minimum distance of a minimal code. Using this new link between minimal codes and blocking sets, we also present new general primary and secondary constructions of minimal linear codes. As a result, infinite families of minimal linear codes not satisfying the Aschikhmin-Barg's condition are obtained. In addition to this, the weight distributions of two subfamilies of the proposed minimal linear codes are established. Open problems are also presented.

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