Emergent Mind

Testing Properties of Multiple Distributions with Few Samples

Published Nov 17, 2019 in cs.DS , cs.DM , cs.LG , and stat.ML


We propose a new setting for testing properties of distributions while receiving samples from several distributions, but few samples per distribution. Given samples from $s$ distributions, $p1, p2, \ldots, ps$, we design testers for the following problems: (1) Uniformity Testing: Testing whether all the $pi$'s are uniform or $\epsilon$-far from being uniform in $\ell1$-distance (2) Identity Testing: Testing whether all the $pi$'s are equal to an explicitly given distribution $q$ or $\epsilon$-far from $q$ in $\ell1$-distance, and (3) Closeness Testing: Testing whether all the $pi$'s are equal to a distribution $q$ which we have sample access to, or $\epsilon$-far from $q$ in $\ell_1$-distance. By assuming an additional natural condition about the source distributions, we provide sample optimal testers for all of these problems.

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