Emergent Mind

HDDL -- A Language to Describe Hierarchical Planning Problems

Published Nov 13, 2019 in cs.AI


The research in hierarchical planning has made considerable progress in the last few years. Many recent systems do not rely on hand-tailored advice anymore to find solutions, but are supposed to be domain-independent systems that come with sophisticated solving techniques. In principle, this development would make the comparison between systems easier (because the domains are not tailored to a single system anymore) and -- much more important -- also the integration into other systems, because the modeling process is less tedious (due to the lack of advice) and there is no (or less) commitment to a certain planning system the model is created for. However, these advantages are destroyed by the lack of a common input language and feature set supported by the different systems. In this paper, we propose an extension to PDDL, the description language used in non-hierarchical planning, to the needs of hierarchical planning systems. We restrict our language to a basic feature set shared by many recent systems, give an extension of PDDL's EBNF syntax definition, and discuss our extensions with respect to several planner-specific input languages from related work.

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