Emergent Mind

On the Strength of Connectivity of Inhomogeneous Random K-out Graphs

Published Nov 12, 2019 in cs.IT , cs.CR , math.CO , math.IT , and math.PR


Random graphs are an important tool for modelling and analyzing the underlying properties of complex real-world networks. In this paper, we study a class of random graphs known as the inhomogeneous random K-out graphs which were recently introduced to analyze heterogeneous sensor networks secured by the pairwise scheme. In this model, first, each of the $n$ nodes is classified as type-1 (respectively, type-2) with probability $0<\mu<1$ (respectively, $1-\mu)$ independently from each other. Next, each type-1 (respectively, type-2) node draws 1 arc towards a node (respectively, $K_n$ arcs towards $K_n$ distinct nodes) selected uniformly at random, and then the orientation of the arcs is ignored. From the literature on homogeneous K-out graphs wherein all nodes select $K_n$ neighbors (i.e., $\mu=0$), it is known that when $K_n \geq2$, the graph is $K_n$-connected asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) as $n$ gets large. In the inhomogeneous case (i.e., $\mu>0$), it was recently established that achieving even 1-connectivity a.a.s. requires $Kn=\omega(1)$. Here, we provide a comprehensive set of results to complement these existing results. First, we establish a sharp zero-one law for $k$-connectivity, showing that for the network to be $k$-connected a.a.s., we need to set $Kn = \frac{1}{1-\mu}(\log n +(k-2)\log\log n + \omega(1))$ for all $k=2, 3, \ldots$. Despite such large scaling of $Kn$ being required for $k$-connectivity, we show that the trivial condition of $Kn \geq 2$ for all $n$ is sufficient to ensure that inhomogeneous K-out graph has a connected component of size $n-O(1)$ whp.

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