Emergent Mind

Linear Constrained Rayleigh Quotient Optimization: Theory and Algorithms

Published Nov 7, 2019 in math.NA , cs.LG , cs.NA , and math.OC


We consider the following constrained Rayleigh quotient optimization problem (CRQopt) $$ \min_{x\in \mathbb{R}n} x{T}Ax\,\,\mbox{subject to}\,\, x{T}x=1\,\mbox{and}\,C{T}x=b, $$ where $A$ is an $n\times n$ real symmetric matrix and $C$ is an $n\times m$ real matrix. Usually, $m\ll n$. The problem is also known as the constrained eigenvalue problem in the literature because it becomes an eigenvalue problem if the linear constraint $C{T}x=b$ is removed. We start by equivalently transforming CRQopt into an optimization problem, called LGopt, of minimizing the Lagrangian multiplier of CRQopt, and then an problem, called QEPmin, of finding the smallest eigenvalue of a quadratic eigenvalue problem. Although such equivalences has been discussed in the literature, it appears to be the first time that these equivalences are rigorously justified. Then we propose to numerically solve LGopt and QEPmin by the Krylov subspace projection method via the Lanczos process. The basic idea, as the Lanczos method for the symmetric eigenvalue problem, is to first reduce LGopt and QEPmin by projecting them onto Krylov subspaces to yield problems of the same types but of much smaller sizes, and then solve the reduced problems by some direct methods, which is either a secular equation solver (in the case of LGopt) or an eigensolver (in the case of QEPmin). The resulting algorithm is called the Lanczos algorithm. We perform convergence analysis for the proposed method and obtain error bounds. The sharpness of the error bound is demonstrated by artificial examples, although in applications the method often converges much faster than the bounds suggest. Finally, we apply the Lanczos algorithm to semi-supervised learning in the context of constrained clustering.

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