Emergent Mind

Path-Based Contextualization of Knowledge Graphs for Textual Entailment

Published Nov 5, 2019 in cs.AI and cs.CL


In this paper, we introduce the problem of knowledge graph contextualization -- that is, given a specific NLP task, the problem of extracting meaningful and relevant sub-graphs from a given knowledge graph. The task in the case of this paper is the textual entailment problem, and the context is a relevant sub-graph for an instance of the textual entailment problem -- where given two sentences p and h, the entailment relationship between them has to be predicted automatically. We base our methodology on finding paths in a cost-customized external knowledge graph, and building the most relevant sub-graph that connects p and h. We show that our path selection mechanism to generate sub-graphs not only reduces noise, but also retrieves meaningful information from large knowledge graphs. Our evaluation shows that using information on entities as well as the relationships between them improves on the performance of purely text-based systems.

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