Emergent Mind


We give new algorithms based on Markov chains to sample and approximately count satisfying assignments to $k$-uniform CNF formulas where each variable appears at most $d$ times. For any $k$ and $d$ satisfying $kd<n{o(1)}$ and $k\ge 20\log k + 20\log d + 60$, the new sampling algorithm runs in close to linear time, and the counting algorithm runs in close to quadratic time. Our approach is inspired by Moitra (JACM, 2019) which remarkably utilizes the Lov\'{a}sz local lemma in approximate counting. Our main technical contribution is to use the local lemma to bypass the connectivity barrier in traditional Markov chain approaches, which makes the well developed MCMC method applicable on disconnected state spaces such as SAT solutions. The benefit of our approach is to avoid the enumeration of local structures and obtain fixed polynomial running times, even if $k=\omega(1)$ or $d=\omega(1)$.

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