Emergent Mind

Wearable Affective Life-Log System for Understanding Emotion Dynamics in Daily Life

Published Nov 4, 2019 in cs.AI , cs.HC , and cs.NE


Past research on recognizing human affect has made use of a variety of physiological sensors in many ways. Nonetheless, how affective dynamics are influenced in the context of human daily life has not yet been explored. In this work, we present a wearable affective life-log system (ALIS), that is robust as well as easy to use in daily life to detect emotional changes and determine their cause-and-effect relationship on users' lives. The proposed system records how a user feels in certain situations during long-term activities with physiological sensors. Based on the long-term monitoring, the system analyzes how the contexts of the user's life affect his/her emotion changes. Furthermore, real-world experimental results demonstrate that the proposed wearable life-log system enables us to build causal structures to find effective stress relievers suited to every stressful situation in school life.

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