Emergent Mind

On the construction of multi-valued concurrent dynamic logic

Published Nov 1, 2019 in cs.LO


Dynamic logic is a powerful framework for reasoning about imperative programs. An extension with a concurrent operator [18] was introduced to formalise programs running in parallel. In other direction, other authors proposed a systematic method for generating multi-valued propositional dynamic logics to reason about weighted programs [14]. This paper presents the first step of combining these two frameworks to introduce uncertainty in concurrent computations. In the developed framework, a weight is assigned to each branch of the parallel execution, resulting in a (possible) asymmetric parallelism, inherent to fuzzy programming paradigm [21, 2]. By adopting such an approach, a family of logics is obtained, called multi-valued concurrent propositional dynamic logics (CGDL(A)), parametric on an action lattice A specifying a notion of "weight" assigned to program execution. Additionally, the validity of some axioms of CPDL is discussed in the new family of generated logics.

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