Emergent Mind

Policy Continuation with Hindsight Inverse Dynamics

Published Oct 30, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Solving goal-oriented tasks is an important but challenging problem in reinforcement learning (RL). For such tasks, the rewards are often sparse, making it difficult to learn a policy effectively. To tackle this difficulty, we propose a new approach called Policy Continuation with Hindsight Inverse Dynamics (PCHID). This approach learns from Hindsight Inverse Dynamics based on Hindsight Experience Replay, enabling the learning process in a self-imitated manner and thus can be trained with supervised learning. This work also extends it to multi-step settings with Policy Continuation. The proposed method is general, which can work in isolation or be combined with other on-policy and off-policy algorithms. On two multi-goal tasks GridWorld and FetchReach, PCHID significantly improves the sample efficiency as well as the final performance.

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