Emergent Mind


We propose an end-to-end joint optimization framework of a multi-channel neural speech extraction and deep acoustic model without mel-filterbank (FBANK) extraction for overlapped speech recognition. First, based on a multi-channel convolutional TasNet with STFT kernel, we unify the multi-channel target speech enhancement front-end network and a convolutional, long short-term memory and fully connected deep neural network (CLDNN) based acoustic model (AM) with the FBANK extraction layer to build a hybrid neural network, which is thus jointly updated only by the recognition loss. The proposed framework achieves 28% word error rate reduction (WERR) over a separately optimized system on AISHELL-1 and shows consistent robustness to signal to interference ratio (SIR) and angle difference between overlapping speakers. Next, a further exploration shows that the speech recognition is improved with a simplified structure by replacing the FBANK extraction layer in the joint model with a learnable feature projection. Finally, we also perform the objective measurement of speech quality on the reconstructed waveform from the enhancement network in the joint model.

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