Emergent Mind


This work presents a computational method for the design of architected truss lattice materials where each strut can be made of one of a set of available materials. We design the lattices to extremize effective properties. As customary in topology optimization, we design a periodic unit cell of the lattice and obtain the effective properties via numerical homogenization. Each bar is represented as a cylindrical offset surface of a medial axis parameterized by the positions of the endpoints of the medial axis. These parameters are smoothly mapped onto a continuous density field for the primal and sensitivity analysis via the geometry projection method. A size variable per material is ascribed to each bar and penalized as in density-based topology optimization to facilitate the entire removal of bars from the design. During the optimization, we allow bars to be made of a mixture of the available materials. However, to ensure each bar is either exclusively made of one material or removed altogether from the optimal design, we impose optimization constraints that ensure each size variable is 0 or 1, and that at most one material size variable is 1. The proposed material interpolation scheme readily accommodates any number of materials. To obtain lattices with desired material symmetries, we design only a reference region of the unit cell and reflect its geometry projection with respect to the appropriate planes of symmetry. Also, to ensure bars remain whole upon reflection inside the unit cell or with respect to the periodic boundaries, we impose a no-cut constraint on the bars. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method via numerical examples of bulk and shear moduli maximization and Poisson's ratio minimization for two- and three-material lattices with cubic symmetry.

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