Emergent Mind

Bounded Degree Group Steiner Tree Problems

Published Oct 28, 2019 in cs.DS


We study two problems that seek a subtree $T$ of a graph $G=(V,E)$ such that $T$ satisfies a certain property and has minimal maximum degree. - In the Min-Degree Group Steiner Tree problem we are given a collection ${\cal S}$ of groups (subsets of $V$) and $T$ should contain a node from every group. - In the Min-Degree Steiner $k$-Tree problem we are given a set $R$ of terminals and an integer $k$, and $T$ should contain at least $k$ terminals. We show that if the former problem admits approximation ratio $\rho$ then the later problem admits approximation ratio $\rho \cdot O(\log k)$. For bounded treewidth graphs, we obtain approximation ratio $O(\log3 n)$ for Min-Degree Group Steiner Tree. In the more general Bounded Degree Group Steiner Tree problem we are also given edge costs and degree bounds ${b(v):v \in V}$, and $T$ should obey the degree constraints $deg_T(v) \leq b(v)$ for all $v \in V$. We give a bicriteria $(O(\log N \log |{\cal S}|),O(\log2 n))$-approximation algorithm for this problem on tree inputs, where $N$ is the size of the largest group, generalizing the approximation of Garg, Konjevod, and Ravi for the case without degree bounds.

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