Emergent Mind

EdgeFool: An Adversarial Image Enhancement Filter

Published Oct 27, 2019 in cs.LG , cs.CV , and stat.ML


Adversarial examples are intentionally perturbed images that mislead classifiers. These images can, however, be easily detected using denoising algorithms, when high-frequency spatial perturbations are used, or can be noticed by humans, when perturbations are large. In this paper, we propose EdgeFool, an adversarial image enhancement filter that learns structure-aware adversarial perturbations. EdgeFool generates adversarial images with perturbations that enhance image details via training a fully convolutional neural network end-to-end with a multi-task loss function. This loss function accounts for both image detail enhancement and class misleading objectives. We evaluate EdgeFool on three classifiers (ResNet-50, ResNet-18 and AlexNet) using two datasets (ImageNet and Private-Places365) and compare it with six adversarial methods (DeepFool, SparseFool, Carlini-Wagner, SemanticAdv, Non-targeted and Private Fast Gradient Sign Methods). Code is available at https://github.com/smartcameras/EdgeFool.git.

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