Emergent Mind

Faster p-norm minimizing flows, via smoothed q-norm problems

Published Oct 23, 2019 in cs.DS , cs.NA , math.NA , and math.OC


We present faster high-accuracy algorithms for computing $\ellp$-norm minimizing flows. On a graph with $m$ edges, our algorithm can compute a $(1+1/\text{poly}(m))$-approximate unweighted $\ellp$-norm minimizing flow with $pm{1+\frac{1}{p-1}+o(1)}$ operations, for any $p \ge 2,$ giving the best bound for all $p\gtrsim 5.24.$ Combined with the algorithm from the work of Adil et al. (SODA '19), we can now compute such flows for any $2\le p\le m{o(1)}$ in time at most $O(m{1.24}).$ In comparison, the previous best running time was $\Omega(m{1.33})$ for large constant $p.$ For $p\sim\delta{-1}\log m,$ our algorithm computes a $(1+\delta)$-approximate maximum flow on undirected graphs using $m{1+o(1)}\delta{-1}$ operations, matching the current best bound, albeit only for unit-capacity graphs. We also give an algorithm for solving general $\ell{p}$-norm regression problems for large $p.$ Our algorithm makes $pm{\frac{1}{3}+o(1)}\log2(1/\varepsilon)$ calls to a linear solver. This gives the first high-accuracy algorithm for computing weighted $\ell{p}$-norm minimizing flows that runs in time $o(m{1.5})$ for some $p=m{\Omega(1)}.$ Our key technical contribution is to show that smoothed $\ellp$-norm problems introduced by Adil et al., are interreducible for different values of $p.$ No such reduction is known for standard $\ellp$-norm problems.

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