Emergent Mind

XL-Editor: Post-editing Sentences with XLNet

Published Oct 19, 2019 in cs.CL , cs.LG , and stat.ML


While neural sequence generation models achieve initial success for many NLP applications, the canonical decoding procedure with left-to-right generation order (i.e., autoregressive) in one-pass can not reflect the true nature of human revising a sentence to obtain a refined result. In this work, we propose XL-Editor, a novel training framework that enables state-of-the-art generalized autoregressive pretraining methods, XLNet specifically, to revise a given sentence by the variable-length insertion probability. Concretely, XL-Editor can (1) estimate the probability of inserting a variable-length sequence into a specific position of a given sentence; (2) execute post-editing operations such as insertion, deletion, and replacement based on the estimated variable-length insertion probability; (3) complement existing sequence-to-sequence models to refine the generated sequences. Empirically, we first demonstrate better post-editing capabilities of XL-Editor over XLNet on the text insertion and deletion tasks, which validates the effectiveness of our proposed framework. Furthermore, we extend XL-Editor to the unpaired text style transfer task, where transferring the target style onto a given sentence can be naturally viewed as post-editing the sentence into the target style. XL-Editor achieves significant improvement in style transfer accuracy and also maintains coherent semantic of the original sentence, showing the broad applicability of our method.

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