Emergent Mind

Hetero-Center Loss for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification

Published Oct 22, 2019 in cs.CV and eess.IV


Cross-modality person re-identification is a challenging problem which retrieves a given pedestrian image in RGB modality among all the gallery images in infrared modality. The task can address the limitation of RGB-based person Re-ID in dark environments. Existing researches mainly focus on enlarging inter-class differences of feature to solve the problem. However, few studies investigate improving intra-class cross-modality similarity, which is important for this issue. In this paper, we propose a novel loss function, called Hetero-Center loss (HC loss) to reduce the intra-class cross-modality variations. Specifically, HC loss can supervise the network learning the cross-modality invariant information by constraining the intra-class center distance between two heterogenous modalities. With the joint supervision of Cross-Entropy (CE) loss and HC loss, the network is trained to achieve two vital objectives, inter-class discrepancy and intra-class cross-modality similarity as much as possible. Besides, we propose a simple and high-performance network architecture to learn local feature representations for cross-modality person re-identification, which can be a baseline for future research. Extensive experiments indicate the effectiveness of the proposed methods, which outperform state-of-the-art methods by a wide margin.

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