Emergent Mind

A Tableau Construction for Finite Linear-Time Temporal Logic

Published Oct 16, 2019 in cs.LO and cs.FL


This paper describes a method for converting formulas in finite propositional linear-time temporal logic (Finite LTL) into finite-state automata whose languages are the models of the given formula. Finite LTL differs from traditional LTL in that formulas are interpreted with respect to finite, rather than infinite, sequences of states; this fact means that traditional finite-state automata, rather than {\omega}-automata such as those developed by B\"uchi and others, suffice for recognizing models of such formulas. The approach considered is based on well-known tableau-construction techniques developed for LTL, which we adapt here for the setting of Finite LTL. The resulting automata may be used as a basis for model checking, satisfiability testing, and model synthesis.

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