Emergent Mind

Planted Models for $k$-way Edge and Vertex Expansion

Published Oct 20, 2019 in cs.DS


Graph partitioning problems are a central topic of study in algorithms and complexity theory. Edge expansion and vertex expansion, two popular graph partitioning objectives, seek a $2$-partition of the vertex set of the graph that minimizes the considered objective. However, for many natural applications, one might require a graph to be partitioned into $k$ parts, for some $k \geq 2$. For a $k$-partition $S1, \ldots, Sk$ of the vertex set of a graph $G = (V,E)$, the $k$-way edge expansion (resp. vertex expansion) of ${S1, \ldots, Sk}$ is defined as $\max{i \in [k]} \Phi(Si)$, and the balanced $k$-way edge expansion (resp. vertex expansion) of $G$ is defined as [ \min{ {S1, \ldots, Sk} \in \mathcal{P}k} \max{i \in [k]} \Phi(Si) \, , ] where $\mathcal{P}k$ is the set of all balanced $k$-partitions of $V$ (i.e each part of a $k$-partition in $\mathcal{P}k$ should have cardinality $|V|/k$), and $\Phi(S)$ denotes the edge expansion (resp. vertex expansion) of $S \subset V$. We study a natural planted model for graphs where the vertex set of a graph has a $k$-partition $S1, \ldots, Sk$ such that the graph induced on each $Si$ has large expansion, but each $Si$ has small edge expansion (resp. vertex expansion) in the graph. We give bi-criteria approximation algorithms for computing the balanced $k$-way edge expansion (resp. vertex expansion) of instances in this planted model.

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