Emergent Mind


In the Colonel Blotto game, two players with a fixed budget simultaneously allocate their resources across n battlefields to maximize the aggregate value gained from the battlefields where they have the higher allocation. Despite its long-standing history and important applications, the Colonel Blotto game still lacks a complete Nash equilibrium characterization in its most general form where players are asymmetric and battlefields' values are heterogeneous across battlefields and different between the two playersthis is called the Generalized Colonel Blotto game. In this work, we propose a simply-constructed class of strategiesthe independently uniform strategiesand we prove that they are approximate equilibria of the Generalized Colonel Blotto game; moreover, we characterize the approximation error according to the game's parameters. We also consider an extension called the Generalized Lottery Blotto game, with stochastic winner-determination rules allowing more flexibility in modeling practical contests. We prove that the proposed strategies are also approximate equilibria of the Generalized Lottery Blotto game.

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