Emergent Mind

Deep Kernels with Probabilistic Embeddings for Small-Data Learning

Published Oct 13, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Gaussian Processes (GPs) are known to provide accurate predictions and uncertainty estimates even with small amounts of labeled data by capturing similarity between data points through their kernel function. However traditional GP kernels are not very effective at capturing similarity between high dimensional data points. Neural networks can be used to learn good representations that encode intricate structures in high dimensional data, and can be used as inputs to the GP kernel. However the huge data requirement of neural networks makes this approach ineffective in small data settings. To solves the conflicting problems of representation learning and data efficiency, we propose to learn deep kernels on probabilistic embeddings by using a probabilistic neural network. Our approach maps high-dimensional data to a probability distribution in a low dimensional subspace and then computes a kernel between these distributions to capture similarity. To enable end-to-end learning, we derive a functional gradient descent procedure for training the model. Experiments on a variety of datasets show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in GP kernel learning in both supervised and semi-supervised settings. We also extend our approach to other small-data paradigms such as few-shot classification where it outperforms previous approaches on mini-Imagenet and CUB datasets.

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