Emergent Mind


Parallel-in-time methods, such as multigrid reduction-in-time (MGRIT) and Parareal, provide an attractive option for increasing concurrency when simulating time-dependent PDEs in modern high-performance computing environments. While these techniques have been very successful for parabolic equations, it has often been observed that their performance suffers dramatically when applied to advection-dominated problems or purely hyperbolic PDEs using standard rediscretization approaches on coarse grids. In this paper, we apply MGRIT or Parareal to the constant-coefficient linear advection equation, appealing to existing convergence theory to provide insight into the typically non-scalable or even divergent behavior of these solvers for this problem. To overcome these failings, we replace rediscretization on coarse grids with improved coarse-grid operators that are computed by applying optimization techniques to approximately minimize error estimates from the convergence theory. One of our main findings is that, in order to obtain fast convergence as for parabolic problems, coarse-grid operators should take into account the behavior of the hyperbolic problem by tracking the characteristic curves. Our approach is tested for schemes of various orders using explicit or implicit Runge-Kutta methods combined with upwind-finite-difference spatial discretizations. In all cases, we obtain scalable convergence in just a handful of iterations, with parallel tests also showing significant speed-ups over sequential time-stepping. Our insight of tracking characteristics on coarse grids provides a key idea for solving the long-standing problem of efficient parallel-in-time integration for hyperbolic PDEs.

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