Emergent Mind

Unsupervised Representation for EHR Signals and Codes as Patient Status Vector

Published Oct 4, 2019 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ML


Effective modeling of electronic health records presents many challenges as they contain large amounts of irregularity most of which are due to the varying procedures and diagnosis a patient may have. Despite the recent progress in machine learning, unsupervised learning remains largely at open, especially in the healthcare domain. In this work, we present a two-step unsupervised representation learning scheme to summarize the multi-modal clinical time series consisting of signals and medical codes into a patient status vector. First, an auto-encoder step is used to reduce sparse medical codes and clinical time series into a distributed representation. Subsequently, the concatenation of the distributed representations is further fine-tuned using a forecasting task. We evaluate the usefulness of the representation on two downstream tasks: mortality and readmission. Our proposed method shows improved generalization performance for both short duration ICU visits and long duration ICU visits.

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