Emergent Mind

Robust Data-Driven Zero-Velocity Detection for Foot-Mounted Inertial Navigation

Published Oct 1, 2019 in cs.RO and eess.SP


We present two novel techniques for detecting zero-velocity events to improve foot-mounted inertial navigation. Our first technique augments a classical zero-velocity detector by incorporating a motion classifier that adaptively updates the detector's threshold parameter. Our second technique uses a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network to classify zero-velocity events from raw inertial data, in contrast to the majority of zero-velocity detection methods that rely on basic statistical hypothesis testing. We demonstrate that both of our proposed detectors achieve higher accuracies than existing detectors for trajectories including walking, running, and stair-climbing motions. Additionally, we present a straightforward data augmentation method that is able to extend the LSTM-based model to different inertial sensors without the need to collect new training data.

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