Emergent Mind

DBRec: Dual-Bridging Recommendation via Discovering Latent Groups

Published Sep 27, 2019 in cs.IR , cs.LG , and stat.ML


In recommender systems, the user-item interaction data is usually sparse and not sufficient for learning comprehensive user/item representations for recommendation. To address this problem, we propose a novel dual-bridging recommendation model (DBRec). DBRec performs latent user/item group discovery simultaneously with collaborative filtering, and interacts group information with users/items for bridging similar users/items. Therefore, a user's preference over an unobserved item, in DBRec, can be bridged by the users within the same group who have rated the item, or the user-rated items that share the same group with the unobserved item. In addition, we propose to jointly learn user-user group (item-item group) hierarchies, so that we can effectively discover latent groups and learn compact user/item representations. We jointly integrate collaborative filtering, latent group discovering and hierarchical modelling into a unified framework, so that all the model parameters can be learned toward the optimization of the objective function. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed model with two real datasets, and demonstrate its advantage over the state-of-the-art recommendation models with extensive experiments.

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