Emergent Mind

Off-Policy Actor-Critic with Shared Experience Replay

Published Sep 25, 2019 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ML


We investigate the combination of actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithms with uniform large-scale experience replay and propose solutions for two challenges: (a) efficient actor-critic learning with experience replay (b) stability of off-policy learning where agents learn from other agents behaviour. We employ those insights to accelerate hyper-parameter sweeps in which all participating agents run concurrently and share their experience via a common replay module. To this end we analyze the bias-variance tradeoffs in V-trace, a form of importance sampling for actor-critic methods. Based on our analysis, we then argue for mixing experience sampled from replay with on-policy experience, and propose a new trust region scheme that scales effectively to data distributions where V-trace becomes unstable. We provide extensive empirical validation of the proposed solution. We further show the benefits of this setup by demonstrating state-of-the-art data efficiency on Atari among agents trained up until 200M environment frames.

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