Emergent Mind

On Communication Complexity of Fixed Point Computation

Published Sep 24, 2019 in cs.CC , cs.CG , and cs.GT


Brouwer's fixed point theorem states that any continuous function from a compact convex space to itself has a fixed point. Roughgarden and Weinstein (FOCS 2016) initiated the study of fixed point computation in the two-player communication model, where each player gets a function from $[0,1]n$ to $[0,1]n$, and their goal is to find an approximate fixed point of the composition of the two functions. They left it as an open question to show a lower bound of $2{\Omega(n)}$ for the (randomized) communication complexity of this problem, in the range of parameters which make it a total search problem. We answer this question affirmatively. Additionally, we introduce two natural fixed point problems in the two-player communication model. $\bullet$ Each player is given a function from $[0,1]n$ to $[0,1]{n/2}$, and their goal is to find an approximate fixed point of the concatenation of the functions. $\bullet$ Each player is given a function from $[0,1]n$ to $[0,1]{n}$, and their goal is to find an approximate fixed point of the interpolation of the functions. We show a randomized communication complexity lower bound of $2{\Omega(n)}$ for these problems (for some constant approximation factor). Finally, we initiate the study of finding a panchromatic simplex in a Sperner-coloring of a triangulation (guaranteed by Sperner's lemma) in the two-player communication model: A triangulation $T$ of the $d$-simplex is publicly known and one player is given a set $SA\subset T$ and a coloring function from $SA$ to ${0,\ldots ,d/2}$, and the other player is given a set $SB\subset T$ and a coloring function from $SB$ to ${d/2+1,\ldots ,d}$, such that $SA\dot\cup SB=T$, and their goal is to find a panchromatic simplex. We show a randomized communication complexity lower bound of $|T|{\Omega(1)}$ for the aforementioned problem as well (when $d$ is large).

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