Emergent Mind


In this paper, we propose a coupled spatial-temporal attention (CSTA) model for skeleton-based action recognition, which aims to figure out the most discriminative joints and frames in spatial and temporal domains simultaneously. Conventional approaches usually consider all the joints or frames in a skeletal sequence equally important, which are unrobust to ambiguous and redundant information. To address this, we first learn two sets of weights for different joints and frames through two subnetworks respectively, which enable the model to have the ability of "paying attention to" the relatively informative section. Then, we calculate the cross product based on the weights of joints and frames for the coupled spatial-temporal attention. Moreover, our CSTA mechanisms can be easily plugged into existing hierarchical CNN models (CSTA-CNN) to realize their function. Extensive experimental results on the recently collected UESTC dataset and the currently largest NTU dataset have shown the effectiveness of our proposed method for skeleton-based action recognition.

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