Emergent Mind

Leyenda: An Adaptive, Hybrid Sorting Algorithm for Large Scale Data with Limited Memory

Published Sep 17, 2019 in cs.DB , cs.DC , and cs.DS


Sorting is the one of the fundamental tasks of modern data management systems. With Disk I/O being the most-accused performance bottleneck and more computation-intensive workloads, it has come to our attention that in heterogeneous environment, performance bottleneck may vary among different infrastructure. As a result, sort kernels need to be adaptive to changing hardware conditions. In this paper, we propose Leyenda, a hybrid, parallel and efficient Radix Most-Significant-Bit (MSB) MergeSort algorithm, with utilization of local thread-level CPU cache and efficient disk/memory I/O. Leyenda is capable of performing either internal or external sort efficiently, based on different I/O and processing conditions. We benchmarked Leyenda with three different workloads from Sort Benchmark, targeting three unique use cases, including internal, partially in-memory and external sort, and we found Leyenda to outperform GNU's parallel in-memory quick/merge sort implementations by up to three times. Leyenda is also ranked the second best external sort algorithm on ACM 2019 SIGMOD programming contest and forth overall.

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