Emergent Mind


Terrain traversability analysis is a fundamental issue to achieve the autonomy of a robot at off-road environments. Geometry-based and appearance-based methods have been studied in decades, while behavior-based methods exploiting learning from demonstration (LfD) are new trends. Behavior-based methods learn cost functions that guide trajectory planning in compliance with experts' demonstrations, which can be more scalable to various scenes and driving behaviors. This research proposes a method of off-road traversability analysis and trajectory planning using Deep Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning. To incorporate vehicle's kinematics while solving the problem of exponential increase of state-space complexity, two convolutional neural networks, i.e., RL ConvNet and Svf ConvNet, are developed to encode kinematics into convolution kernels and achieve efficient forward reinforcement learning. We conduct experiments in off-road environments. Scene maps are generated using 3D LiDAR data, and expert demonstrations are either the vehicle's real driving trajectories at the scene or synthesized ones to represent specific behaviors such as crossing negative obstacles. Different cost functions of traversability analysis are learned and tested at various scenes of capability in guiding the trajectory planning of different behaviors. We also demonstrate the performance and computation efficiency of the proposed method.

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