Emergent Mind

Robot Risk-Awareness by Formal Risk Reasoning and Planning

Published Sep 9, 2019 in cs.RO


This paper proposes a formal robot motion risk reasoning framework and develops a risk-aware path planner that minimizes the proposed risk. While robots locomoting in unstructured or confined environments face a variety of risk, existing risk only focuses on collision with obstacles. Such risk is currently only addressed in ad hoc manners. Without a formal definition, ill-supported properties, e.g. additive or Markovian, are simply assumed. Relied on an incomplete and inaccurate representation of risk, risk-aware planners use ad hoc risk functions or chance constraints to minimize risk. The former inevitably has low fidelity when modeling risk, while the latter conservatively generates feasible path within a probability bound. Using propositional logic and probability theory, the proposed motion risk reasoning framework is formal. Building upon a universe of risk elements of interest, three major risk categories, i.e. locale-, action-, and traverse-dependent, are introduced. A risk-aware planner is also developed to plan minimum risk path based on the newly proposed risk framework. Results of the risk reasoning and planning are validated in physical experiments in real-world unstructured or confined environments. With the proposed fundamental risk reasoning framework, safety of robot locomotion could be explicitly reasoned, quantified, and compared. The risk-aware planner finds safe path in terms of the newly proposed risk framework and enables more risk-aware robot behavior in unstructured or confined environments.

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