Emergent Mind

Constant factor approximation of MAX CLIQUE

Published Sep 10, 2019 in cs.DS , cs.CC , and cs.LO


MAX CLIQUE problem (MCP) is an NPO problem, which asks to find the largest complete sub-graph in a graph $G, G = (V, E)$ (directed or undirected). MCP is well known to be $NP-Hard$ to approximate in polynomial time with an approximation ratio of $1 + \epsilon$, for every $\epsilon > 0$ 9. Up to this date, the best known approximation ratio for MCP of a polynomial time algorithm is $O(n(log2(log2(n)))2 / (log_2(n))3)$ given by Feige [1]. In this paper, we show that MCP can be approximated with a constant factor in polynomial time through approximation ratio preserving reductions from MCP to MAX DNF and from MAX DNF to MIN SAT. A 2-approximation algorithm for MIN SAT was presented in [6]. An approximation ratio preserving reduction from MIN SAT to min vertex cover improves the approximation ratio to $2 - \Theta(1/ \sqrt{n})$ [10]. Hence we prove false the infamous conjecture, which argues that there cannot be a polynomial time algorithm for MCP with an approximation ratio of any constant factor.

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