Emergent Mind


Commonsense knowledge plays an important role when we read. The performance of BERT on SQuAD dataset shows that the accuracy of BERT can be better than human users. However, it does not mean that computers can surpass the human being in reading comprehension. CommonsenseQA is a large-scale dataset which is designed based on commonsense knowledge. BERT only achieved an accuracy of 55.9% on it. The result shows that computers cannot apply commonsense knowledge like human beings to answer questions. Comprehension Ability Test (CAT) divided the reading comprehension ability at four levels. We can achieve human like comprehension ability level by level. BERT has performed well at level 1 which does not require common knowledge. In this research, we propose a system which aims to allow computers to read articles and answer related questions with commonsense knowledge like a human being for CAT level 2. This system consists of three parts. Firstly, we built a commonsense knowledge graph; and then automatically constructed the commonsense knowledge question dataset according to it. Finally, BERT is combined with the commonsense knowledge to achieve the reading comprehension ability at CAT level 2. Experiments show that it can pass the CAT as long as the required common knowledge is included in the knowledge base.

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