Emergent Mind


Requirement decomposition is a widely accepted Systems Engineering practice for Requirements Engineering. Getting the requirements correct at the very beginning of the lifecycle is crucial for the success of engineering a correct system. This is especially the case for safety-critical complex systems, where incorrect or clashing requirements can lead to accidents. While there is a large volume of work on the formal verification for the bottom-up composition of requirements, there are very few works on how these requirements are rigorously decomposed top-down in the first place. This paper tackles this problem. Inspired by Contract-Based Design, we develop a formalism for requirement decomposition, which can mathematically guarantee a satisfactory system implementation if certain conditions are respected. A systematic methodology is then designed to semi-automatically search for the optimal sub-requirements and guarantee their correctness upon definition. The proposed approach is supported by existing formal methods (i.e., Reachability Analysis and Constraint Programming) that have been applied to other areas. Finally, we support our findings through a case study on a cruise control system to illustrate the usability of the proposed approach.

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