Emergent Mind

Towards Marrying Files to Objects

Published Aug 21, 2019 in cs.DC


To deal with the constant growth of unstructured data, vendors have deployed scalable, resilient, and cost effective object-based storage systems built on RESTful web services. However, many applications rely on richer file-system APIs and semantics, and cannot benefit from object stores. This leads to storage sprawl, as object stores are deployed alongside file systems and data is accessed and managed across both systems in an ad-hoc fashion. We believe there is a critical need for a transparent merger of objects and files, consolidating data into a single platform. Such a merger would extend the capabilities of both object and file stores while preserving existing semantics and interfaces. In this position paper, we examine the viability of unifying object stores and file systems, and the various design tradeoffs that exist. Then, using our own implementation of an object-based, POSIX-complete file system, we experimentally demonstrate several critical design considerations.

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