Emergent Mind

Multi-resolution Low-rank Tensor Formats

Published Aug 29, 2019 in math.NA and cs.NA


We describe a simple, black-box compression format for tensors with a multiscale structure. By representing the tensor as a sum of compressed tensors defined on increasingly coarse grids, we capture low-rank structures on each grid-scale, and we show how this leads to an increase in compression for a fixed accuracy. We devise an alternating algorithm to represent a given tensor in the multiresolution format and prove local convergence guarantees. In two dimensions, we provide examples that show that this approach can beat the Eckart-Young theorem, and for dimensions higher than two, we achieve higher compression than the tensor-train format on six real-world datasets. We also provide results on the closedness and stability of the tensor format and discuss how to perform common linear algebra operations on the level of the compressed tensors.

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