Emergent Mind

Preventing the Generation of Inconsistent Sets of Classification Rules

Published Aug 23, 2019 in cs.LG and cs.AI


In recent years, the interest in interpretable classification models has grown. One of the proposed ways to improve the interpretability of a rule-based classification model is to use sets (unordered collections) of rules, instead of lists (ordered collections) of rules. One of the problems associated with sets is that multiple rules may cover a single instance, but predict different classes for it, thus requiring a conflict resolution strategy. In this work, we propose two algorithms capable of finding feature-space regions inside which any created rule would be consistent with the already existing rules, preventing inconsistencies from arising. Our algorithms do not generate classification models, but are instead meant to enhance algorithms that do so, such as Learning Classifier Systems. Both algorithms are described and analyzed exclusively from a theoretical perspective, since we have not modified a model-generating algorithm to incorporate our proposed solutions yet. This work presents the novelty of using conflict avoidance strategies instead of conflict resolution strategies.

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