Emergent Mind

Reconfigurable sub-micron spin-wave majority gate with electrical transducers

Published Aug 7, 2019 in physics.app-ph , cond-mat.mes-hall , and cs.ET


Spin waves are excitations in ferromagnetic media that have been proposed as information carriers in hybrid spintronic devices with much lower operation power than conventional charge-based electronics. Their wave nature can be exploited in majority gates by using interference for computation. However, a scalable spin-wave majority gate that can be co-integrated alongside conventional electronics is still lacking. Here, we demonstrate a sub-micron inline spin-wave majority gate with fan-out. Time-resolved imaging of the magnetization dynamics by scanning transmission x-ray microscopy illustrates the device operation. All-electrical spin-wave spectroscopy further demonstrates majority gates with sub-micron dimensions, reconfigurable input and output ports, and frequency-division multiplexing. Challenges for hybrid spintronic computing systems based on spin-wave majority gates are discussed.

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