Emergent Mind

Exploring the Robustness of NMT Systems to Nonsensical Inputs

Published Aug 3, 2019 in cs.LG , cs.CL , cs.CR , and stat.ML


Neural machine translation (NMT) systems have been shown to give undesirable translation when a small change is made in the source sentence. In this paper, we study the behaviour of NMT systems when multiple changes are made to the source sentence. In particular, we ask the following question "Is it possible for an NMT system to predict same translation even when multiple words in the source sentence have been replaced?". To this end, we propose a soft-attention based technique to make the aforementioned word replacements. The experiments are conducted on two language pairs: English-German (en-de) and English-French (en-fr) and two state-of-the-art NMT systems: BLSTM-based encoder-decoder with attention and Transformer. The proposed soft-attention based technique achieves high success rate and outperforms existing methods like HotFlip by a significant margin for all the conducted experiments. The results demonstrate that state-of-the-art NMT systems are unable to capture the semantics of the source language. The proposed soft-attention based technique is an invariance-based adversarial attack on NMT systems. To better evaluate such attacks, we propose an alternate metric and argue its benefits in comparison with success rate.

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