Emergent Mind

Independent Double Roman Domination on Block Graphs

Published Aug 2, 2019 in math.CO , cs.DM , and cs.DS


Given a graph $G=(V,E)$, $f:V \rightarrow {0,1,2 }$ is the Italian dominating function of $G$ if $f$ satisfies $\sum{u \in N(v)}f(u) \geq 2$ when $f(v)=0$. Denote $w(f)=\sum{v \in V}f(v)$ as the weight of $f$. Let $Vi={v:f(v)=i},i=0,1,2$, we call $f$ the independent Italian dominating function if $V1 \cup V2$ is an independent set. The independent Italian domination number of $G$ is the minimum weight of independent Italian dominating function $f$, denoted by $i{I}(G)$. We equivalently transform the independent domination problem of the connected block graph $G$ to the induced independent domination problem of its block-cutpoint graph $T$, then a linear time algorithm is given to find $i_{I}(G)$ of any connected block graph $G$ based on dynamic programming.

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