Emergent Mind


Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy systems are flexible and interpretable machine learning models; however, they may not be easily optimized when the data size is large, and/or the data dimensionality is high. This paper proposes a mini-batch gradient descent (MBGD) based algorithm to efficiently and effectively train TSK fuzzy classifiers. It integrates two novel techniques: 1) uniform regularization (UR), which forces the rules to have similar average contributions to the output, and hence to increase the generalization performance of the TSK classifier; and, 2) batch normalization (BN), which extends BN from deep neural networks to TSK fuzzy classifiers to expedite the convergence and improve the generalization performance. Experiments on 12 UCI datasets from various application domains, with varying size and dimensionality, demonstrated that UR and BN are effective individually, and integrating them can further improve the classification performance.

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