Emergent Mind

Distributed Dense Subgraph Detection and Low Outdegree Orientation

Published Jul 29, 2019 in cs.DS and cs.DC


The densest subgraph problem, introduced in the 80s by Picard and Queyranne as well as Goldberg, is a classic problem in combinatorial optimization with a wide range of applications. The lowest outdegree orientation problem is known to be its dual problem. We study both the problem of finding dense subgraphs and the problem of computing a low outdegree orientation in the distributed settings. Suppose $G=(V,E)$ is the underlying network as well as the input graph. Let $D$ denote the density of the maximum density subgraph of $G$. Our main results are as follows. Given a value $\tilde{D} \leq D$ and $0 < \epsilon < 1$, we show that a subgraph with density at least $(1-\epsilon)\tilde{D}$ can be identified deterministically in $O((\log n) / \epsilon)$ rounds in the LOCAL model. We also present a lower bound showing that our result for the LOCAL model is tight up to an $O(\log n)$ factor. In the CONGEST model, we show that such a subgraph can be identified in $O((\log3 n) / \epsilon3)$ rounds with high probability. Our techniques also lead to an $O(diameter + (\log4 n)/\epsilon4)$-round algorithm that yields a $1-\epsilon$ approximation to the densest subgraph. This improves upon the previous $O(diameter /\epsilon \cdot \log n)$-round algorithm by Das Sarma et al. [DISC 2012] that only yields a $1/2-\epsilon$ approximation. Given an integer $\tilde{D} \geq D$ and $\Omega(1/\tilde{D}) < \epsilon < 1/4$, we give a deterministic, $\tilde{O}((\log2 n) /\epsilon2)$-round algorithm in the CONGEST model that computes an orientation where the outdegree of every vertex is upper bounded by $(1+\epsilon)\tilde{D}$. Previously, the best deterministic algorithm and randomized algorithm by Harris [FOCS 2019] run in $\tilde{O}((\log6 n)/ \epsilon4)$ rounds and $\tilde{O}((\log3 n) /\epsilon3)$ rounds respectively and only work in the LOCAL model.

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