Emergent Mind

Managing Multiple Mobile Resources

Published Jul 23, 2019 in cs.DS


We extend the Mobile Server Problem, introduced in SPAA'17, to a model where k identical mobile resources, here named servers, answer requests appearing at points in the Euclidean space. In order to reduce communication costs, the positions of the servers can be adapted by a limited distance ms per round for each server. The costs are measured similar to the classical Page Migration Problem, i.e., answering a request induces costs proportional to the distance to the nearest server, and moving a server induces costs proportional to the distance multiplied with a weight D. We show that, in our model, no online algorithm can have a constant competitive ratio, i.e., one which is independent of the input length n, even if an augmented moving distance of (1+\delta)ms is allowed for the online algorithm. Therefore we investigate a restriction of the power of the adversary dictating the sequence of requests: We demand locality of requests, i.e., that consecutive requests come from points in the Euclidean space with distance bounded by some constant mc. We show constant lower bounds on the competitiveness in this setting (independent of n, but dependent on k, ms and mc). On the positive side, we present a deterministic online algorithm with bounded competitiveness when augmented moving distance and locality of requests is assumed. Our algorithm simulates any given algorithm for the classical k-Page Migration problem as guidance for its servers and extends it by a greedy move of one server in every round. The resulting competitive ratio is polynomial in the number of servers k, the ratio between mc and m_s, the inverse of the augmentation factor 1/\delta and the competitive ratio of the simulated k-Page Migration algorithm.

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