Emergent Mind

Stochastic algorithms with geometric step decay converge linearly on sharp functions

Published Jul 22, 2019 in math.OC , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Stochastic (sub)gradient methods require step size schedule tuning to perform well in practice. Classical tuning strategies decay the step size polynomially and lead to optimal sublinear rates on (strongly) convex problems. An alternative schedule, popular in nonconvex optimization, is called \emph{geometric step decay} and proceeds by halving the step size after every few epochs. In recent work, geometric step decay was shown to improve exponentially upon classical sublinear rates for the class of \emph{sharp} convex functions. In this work, we ask whether geometric step decay similarly improves stochastic algorithms for the class of sharp nonconvex problems. Such losses feature in modern statistical recovery problems and lead to a new challenge not present in the convex setting: the region of convergence is local, so one must bound the probability of escape. Our main result shows that for a large class of stochastic, sharp, nonsmooth, and nonconvex problems a geometric step decay schedule endows well-known algorithms with a local linear rate of convergence to global minimizers. This guarantee applies to the stochastic projected subgradient, proximal point, and prox-linear algorithms. As an application of our main result, we analyze two statistical recovery tasksphase retrieval and blind deconvolutionand match the best known guarantees under Gaussian measurement models and establish new guarantees under heavy-tailed distributions.

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