Emergent Mind

Towards QoS-Aware Recommendations

Published Jul 15, 2019 in cs.MM and cs.NI


In this paper we propose that recommendation systems (RSs) for multimedia services should be "QoS-aware", i.e., take into account the expected QoS with which a content can be delivered, to increase the user satisfaction. Network-aware recommendations have been very recently proposed as a promising solution to improve network performance. However, the idea of QoS-aware RSs has been studied from the network perspective. Its feasibility and performance performance advantages for the content-provider or user perspective have only been speculated. Hence, in this paper we aim to provide initial answers for the feasibility of the concept of QoS-aware RS, by investigating its impact on real user experience. To this end, we conduct experiments with real users on a testbed, and present initial experimental results. Our analysis demonstrates the potential of the idea: QoS-aware RSs could be beneficial for both the users (better experience) and content providers (higher user engagement). Moreover, based on the collected dataset, we build statistical models to (i) predict the user experience as a function of QoS, relevance of recommendations (QoR) and user interest, and (ii) provide useful insights for the design of QoS-aware RSs. We believe that our study is an important first step towards QoS-aware recommendations, by providing experimental evidence for their feasibility and benefits, and can help open a future research direction.

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