Emergent Mind

The Dynamic Embedded Topic Model

Published Jul 12, 2019 in cs.CL and stat.ML


Topic modeling analyzes documents to learn meaningful patterns of words. For documents collected in sequence, dynamic topic models capture how these patterns vary over time. We develop the dynamic embedded topic model (D-ETM), a generative model of documents that combines dynamic latent Dirichlet allocation (D-LDA) and word embeddings. The D-ETM models each word with a categorical distribution parameterized by the inner product between the word embedding and a per-time-step embedding representation of its assigned topic. The D-ETM learns smooth topic trajectories by defining a random walk prior over the embedding representations of the topics. We fit the D-ETM using structured amortized variational inference with a recurrent neural network. On three different corporaa collection of United Nations debates, a set of ACL abstracts, and a dataset of Science Magazine articleswe found that the D-ETM outperforms D-LDA on a document completion task. We further found that the D-ETM learns more diverse and coherent topics than D-LDA while requiring significantly less time to fit.

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