Emergent Mind


Deep learning classifiers for characterization of whole slide tissue morphology require large volumes of annotated data to learn variations across different tissue and cancer types. As is well known, manual generation of digital pathology training data is time consuming and expensive. In this paper, we propose a semi-automated method for annotating a group of similar instances at once, instead of collecting only per-instance manual annotations. This allows for a much larger training set, that reflects visual variability across multiple cancer types and thus training of a single network which can be automatically applied to each cancer type without human adjustment. We apply our method to the important task of classifying Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) in H&E images. Prior approaches were trained for individual cancer types, with smaller training sets and human-in-the-loop threshold adjustment. We utilize these thresholded results as large scale "semi-automatic" annotations. Combined with existing manual annotations, our trained deep networks are able to automatically produce better TIL prediction results in 12 cancer types, compared to the human-in-the-loop approach.

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