Emergent Mind

Geometric Crossing-Minimization -- A Scalable Randomized Approach

Published Jul 2, 2019 in cs.CG and cs.DS


We consider the minimization of edge-crossings in geometric drawings of graphs $G=(V, E)$, i.e., in drawings where each edge is depicted as a line segment. The respective decision problem is NP-hard [Bienstock, '91]. In contrast to theory and the topological setting, the geometric setting did not receive a lot of attention in practice. Prior work [Radermacher et al., ALENEX'18] is limited to the crossing-minimization in geometric graphs with less than $200$ edges. The described heuristics base on the primitive operation of moving a single vertex $v$ to its crossing-minimal position, i.e., the position in $\mathbb{R}2$ that minimizes the number of crossings on edges incident to $v$. In this paper, we introduce a technique to speed-up the computation by a factor of $20$. This is necessary but not sufficient to cope with graphs with a few thousand edges. In order to handle larger graphs, we drop the condition that each vertex $v$ has to be moved to its crossing-minimal position and compute a position that is only optimal with respect to a small random subset of the edges. In our theoretical contribution, we consider drawings that contain for each edge $uv \in E$ and each position $p \in \mathbb{R}2$ for $v$ $o(|E|)$ crossings. In this case, we prove that with a random subset of the edges of size $\Theta(k \log k)$ the co-crossing number of a degree-$k$ vertex $v$, i.e., the number of edge pairs $uv \in E, e \in E$ that do not cross, can be approximated by an arbitrary but fixed factor $\delta$ with high probability. In our experimental evaluation, we show that the randomized approach reduces the number of crossings in graphs with up to $13\,000$ edges considerably. The evaluation suggests that depending on the degree-distribution different strategies result in the fewest number of crossings.

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